Role in Social Development

Rice field visit by Organic farming Experts.

Nature Pearls Pvt Limited has its own Project office for every project where well-qualified & experienced agriculture extension staff is present. The project staff works with farmer’s groups and provides them the technical support & help in maintaining all records from sowing to harvesting. Before joining, the ICS farmers faced many problems related to marketing, technical know-how, and other social issues. But after joining, they are happy as they get a good market, technological knowledge, social remuneration, and fair trade premium. Before joining, the ICS farmers were facing a lot of problems related to marketing, technical know-how, and other social issues. But after joining, they are happy as they are getting good market, technical know-how along with social remuneration with the fair trade premium.

Main Problems before joining the ICS

Unavailability of proper markets in the area for marketing their products.

Harassment from local traders in terms of unduly less and late payments.

Unavailability of good quality seeds and hence, poor yield.

No facilities in nearby areas regarding technical knowledge regarding equipment, process, inputs, storage, etc.

Negligence of local welfare and regulatory bodies engaged in uplifting farmer livelihood.

Impacts after joining the ICS-

  1. Farmers get reasonable remuneration for their products since the ICS/NPPL procures them.
  2. Farmers get more prices compared to local markets.
  3. Farmers’ payments are always on time because of the organized structure.
  4. Regular training is being provided to farmers for inputs, cultivation, harvesting methods, and post-harvest things.
  5. Company representatives are always available at the office. Farmers get real-time help in case of any issue, which makes life much easier.
  6. 20 to 25% yield was increased due to good quality seed, training programs, and on-farm inputs. Organic farms tend to bring in more profits, despite requiring more working hands.
  7. Advanced organic practices like Biodynamics give a profitable edge to organic farmers compared to traditional farming practices. Interest in organic has been rising recently and hence bought more customers. Currently, the demand for organic food is growing faster than the supply. Countries like the UK and US have to import organic food from abroad (often developing economies like India), which creates a myriad of opportunities for farmers.
  8. Many small & marginal farmers have adopted organic farming due to its vast benefits. Like, those who are traditionally practicing organic cultivation due to the lack of inputs for intensive agriculture.
  9. These farmers follow organic farming as they are located in no-input or low-input use zones.
  10. Farmers can now prepare their own farm-prepared pesticides and nutrient management.
  11. Farmers are provided the social benefits like paddy cleaning fans, safety shoes, good quality seeds, stitching and tailoring training centers for women, dead body refrigerators, etc.
  12. Yields have increased significantly because of all the above factors. Earlier, farmers received Rs. 9-10 for a Qntl per acre yield, and now they get Rs. 12-13 for every Qntl per acre.
  13. Earlier, farmers were paid Rs. 2500 – 3000 per Qntl for their basmati paddy, and now they get approx. Rs. 4200 – 4500 Rs per Qntl.
  14. Soil health is vastly improved due to better organic farming practices.
  15. Water holding capacity also improved due to the use of FYM and no chemical fertilizers.

Training Programme

This area is rich in natural resources & bio-diversity, so the majority of farmers use their own-farm inputs to reduce the cost of cultivation and improve the quality of products. Nature pearls team also provided training to the producers’ group, organized external training programs, and demonstrated on-farm input-making by the well-skilled experts.

Fig - Farmers Training Programme session by External Trainer Mr. Ajeet Kelkar & Mr. Ravi Kelkar.

Fig - Bio-Inputs Making Demonstration by Nature Pearls Private Limited Representative.

Farmer Training of Group, R.S. Pura, Jammu

Sewing Center, R.S. Pura, Jammu

Dead Body Freezer, R.S. Pura, Jammu

Computer Center, R.S. Pura, Jammu